Tuesday, November 13, 2007

There has been a lot of talk lately of a deeper relationship with Jesus.
A more intimate relationship.
When I think of intimacy I think of married people. Knowing each other's dreams and desires. Sharing common values and goals. Seeing each other first thing in the morning, and being ok with that. Stuff like that.
What is intimacy with God?
I have always felt a certain level of familiarity with Him because He talks to me. I assumed everyone had this experience. When I found out they didn't it made me feel, well special, but also connected to Him.
As He has pursued me, and I Him, there has been a same-ness to the experiences. The way He handles me and ministers to me and blesses me.
There has been a pattern of worship and prayer and pressing in from me to Him.
I'm discovering that to be more intimate means things change.
I mean if allowing someone to fillet your heart and piece it back together isn't the deepest level of intimacy I'm not sure I get it.
I guess that's what I'm getting at. I don't get it. I mean I'm not getting it now.
What used to "work" doesn't feel the same.
What used to comfort no longer does.
What used to draw me close to Him falls short.
I'm kind of surprised I'm not more nervous about it...

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