Monday, November 5, 2007

Something New

Today I want to start adding something new here. I want to be thankful for the people in my life. (btw, yellow is the color of thankfulness)
I am sitting propped on a bed in a room that rivals any fine hotel suite. It has down blankets, giant whirlpool bathtub, big, flat screen TV with cable. It is the master suite belonging to Tom and Tasha Owen,
They are family friends from my childhood who are more like an extension of my family. I get to stay in this room because Tom has been in Ireland, and they are both is gracious and giving. I could list all day the ways they bless my family, in the past, and currently, but I'm thinking of one day in particular.
It was many years ago now and they were well in to renovating this house. They have fabulous taste and a style that I love. I was visiting here and in the new house for the first time. Tom was showing me the dining room chandelier he was hanging. It is a beautiful antique with like 5 arms and from each rests a ridged, frosted glass shade in an earthy
peach hue. Tom handed me one to look at and I missed it and it fell
and broke. It also cut my hand. He immediately said, "Oh no! Your hand, it's bleeding!" Not, "Oh shit you broke it! It's irreplaceable!" Which is what i was thinking. The energy in the room never changed.
They were calm and concerned for my well being.
It meant more to me than I can say. It modeled grace, and forgiveness, and consideration for me. All of those things were unfamiliar to me then.
They continue that in my life today and every time I see that crack where Tom glued it back together it reminds me of how blessed I am to know them and to witness the grace for others that flows from their lives.
I love you T&T


Anonymous said...

"Today I want to start adding something new here. I want to be thankful for the people in my life."

"I could list all day the ways they bless my family, in the past, and currently, but I'm thinking of one day in particular."

These lines stand out to me. I didn't respond to the 11/3 post because that was the "pre-journey" Julia speaking. These statements are good things. Part of this trip was for you to find out things about yourself outside of your "real" life.

I bet on more than one occasion already you've said to yourself "I forgot how good this is". If not...give it will. You've only just left the Shire.

You are a precise arrow crafted in careful and perfect preparation.

Anonymous said...

I'm ready for another update, it's been a week lady!!! Hope things are going amazingly well!!! Love and miss you!