Argh!! I swear I hate computers sometimes!!
I was just about finished writing this great blog, if I do say so myself, and I hit some evil key from hell and the whole thing went away!!
So now you get the condensed version...
I had wanted to write every Sunday as to be more faithful to you my reader, but promptly blew it so to make up for it I put this beautiful picture, which by the way I had to upload twice now, of Chihuy's cherubim for you to enjoy.
Then I shared how I was praying this morning and was brought to tears by the images of the faces of the people I love and miss. I was thinking of Jenny Kouri and how there is a hole in my life that she filled for a while and I thought about Amber and Joy and Cetta and Lindsey! and Lindsey's having a baby (or 2!) and then I thought of Meliss and I have hoped for so long for her to have that experience and now I haven't gotten to even see her! (she did post a picture on myspace upon my request which I was so pleased about) but it's not the same as being there. And then I thought of all of the fun things and hard times and prayer and encouragement shared with Tara and Dani and Amy and Roberta. And I miss my dudes... Nathan and Erics and and Adam and Sean, and my pastors Josh and David.
The time I have spent here has strengthend and grown my relationship with my sister and my niece and I wanted that desperately and it has been more important to me than I even knew. And I so miss you all, even the people I am with now, when I consider moving away for years and I know God is using this time to break my dependence on you and focus it on Him and it is working, it has just caused me to remember and be blessed that I've gotten to share my heart and life with so many of His loveliest people.
So today you think too, about the the people in your life. Remember events and moments and vacations and prayers and laughter and tears. Dwell on support and encouragement and hope and correction.
Be thankful for your conscience - Corey, your cheerleader - Amy, your mirror - Jennifer, your teacher - Jenny, your cross bearer - Joy, your sidekick - Lacey, your sister in arms - Amber, your counsel - David, Josh, Paul, Derrick, Nathan, your support - Mom, Dad, Tasha, Tom, Jennifer again, your anchor - Chad and Kelly, your balance - Dimitri, your ...
you get the idea.