Tuesday, June 10, 2008

wow.  that's all i can say about how i feel today.
as i get more and more perspective about my life and 
what happens next i am amazed by the process of it all.
in the past i wouldn't have been able to enjoy any of
what's going on right now because i don't have a clear
answer or definition as to what does happen next. 
i see now that all of the times He insisted i trust Him
pay off in this way.  i do trust Him.
it's not all fun and not easy all the time and there is pain
and fear, but there is also balance and joy and hope.
i continue to realize how misinformed Christians are and
that we keep perpetuating the misinformation and how
that keeps us from being truly free and loved.
we say free and draw the image of a bird being let out of 
its cage.  no one told you this but the cage has legs and it
can show up and tap you on the shoulder causing you to
deal again with something you thought you were 'free' of.
and we fail to remind each other of the fact that this is a 
journey - journey - journey.
things add up over time and one thing healed will spill over
into 100 other areas and you will change and not even try
or know why... until you have
may you have clear vision about the season you are in and
may your faith be strengthened as you look back on all of
the times He was faithful.
press in.
press on.
it gets lighter and easier dear ox.

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