Tuesday, June 17, 2008

ok so the last thing i told you was that the bird cage/
jail cell has legs.
sorry to have left it hanging i just forgot what came
next until i shared it with someone again today.
ok so when the cage taps you on the shoulder this is
where scripture comes in. the fact is that this is an
advanced and mature spiritual happening.
if you are an immature Christian you can stand in the
mirror every morning and tell yourself you are beautiful,
BUT if you do not allow God to take you through the
healing and exposing and digging you will in no way live
in that place of acceptance of your beauty.
are we tracking here?
i mean that positive self affirmation is just that.
it affirms the self and the self is momentary and is
based on situation and mood and weather and stress.
so it changes.
participating in healing is forever and is freedom of spirit
and acceptance of truth. the truth is that you are beautiful.
because Jesus says so. that's it. it means nothing if your
relationship with Him is shallow and unrefined.
ok- at a certain point in the process though, scripture,
calling out God's word is more powerful than anything
else we can do.
so when the cage of fear, or doubt, or insecurity, or debt,
or food, or hopelessness, or exhaustion or what ever God has
freed you from, when it taps you on the shoulder and you question
all of your progress and feel failure and doubt God's sufficiency-
this is when you read-
ps 139:1-4
prov 3:5-6
prov 21:5
prov 23:7
rom 12:2
2cor 10:5
eph 4:22-24
phil 4:8
2tim 1:7
when you've come so far and you don't know how to be this
new person. the healed, free person you and God have
grown you into, read these.
that's it. it's that easy. now... the process to get here...
well hopefully you have some idea of that by now, if you
are clueless here, ask Him to show you. He wants nothing
may you each know God more intimately tomorrow than
you do today and may you commit not to quit until you
are the person He created you to be.

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